Picking the Right Bath Tub For most people the first thing they want to do after a hard days work is to clean up. A shower comes in very handy to wash of the dirt and grime of the day. There isn't, however, anything like being able to soak in a comfortable bath tub and just let the troubles of the day ease away. It has a certain special pleasure attached to it.
Your bathroom may not be big enough to fit one of those back garden monster tubs into it but it's certainly big enough to fit a modern bath tub into. Well as long as you have a space that's about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide that is. Even if you're limited on space bathroom tubs comes in space-saver models so they'll fit into into a small bathroom quite well.
If you have a shower in your bathroom it might be an idea to remove it and then fit a combination tub with a surround and a shower attachment - this then gives you the best of both worlds. You can still grab a quick shower but also have the option of soaking your aching muscles in your tub surrounded by your
favorite aromatherapy candles.
The old type of clawfoot soaking tub is one of the most comfortable out there and is also one of the most popular. People have favored this type of bath tub design for well over 100 years now. Lots of people are having the original models of these tubs re-enameled to bring them back to life. Others prefer to buy reproduction models of the same tub which have the same design features but are usually made of fiberglass instead of the original cast-iron frame. This is something worth noting if you ever have to get this style of bath tub up a flight of stairs - fiberglass is far, far lighter than cast-iron (not that you needed to be told that).
You can liven up your bath tub with some great accessories too. How about a portable whirlpool jet that you can put in just about any tub? This will turn the most mundane tub into a great way to kick back and just relax completely. Another great accessory is a spray attachment for when you need to wash your kids (or even your dogs) hair.
Once you get used to having a tub in your home you'll never want to go back. Ever.
Have you always wanted to have a tub in your bathroom instead of just a shower. Finding the perfect bathroom tub can be a chore. Click on over to BathroomCentral.com for help on making the right choice. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niall_Roche If you are looking for a bathroom remodeling contractor in the Albany area, please call us today at 518-432-9298 or complete our online request form.
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